Jeremy Poulter acted as project Architect whilst working at PRP Architects Ltd.
An existing radburn estate to the west of Manchester City Centre which was a place with inherent social problems and high levels of crime. PRP’s masterplan involves the demolition of around 600 dwellings, the refurbishment of 660 dwellings and construction of over 700 new build dwellings, reshaping the estate street’s into a more traditional and sustainable pattern.
The refurbished properties have been brought up to decent homes standard and overclad with insulating render and timber cladding. Some of the existing properties have been turned around so that they have a direct relationship with the street.
The new houses and flats are in simple terraced forms and use a robust palette of brick, timber and render. They provide affordable family housing close to Manchester City Centre.
The scheme includes a mixed use residential block of Commercial and Community facilities located to the north and accessed off the A6 Stockport Road
The project won Best Regeneration Project in Building magazine’s 2007 Property Award