Crescent Drive, Furness Vale

An existing 1930s detached bungalow in Furness Vale had poor access to it’s rear garden with a small kitchen and bathroom taking up the majority of the rear elevation. Our proposals involved the re-configuration of the internal layout and a flat roofed extension at the rear. By moving the bathroom to the middle of the…

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High Street. New Mills

An existing 5 storey terraced dwelling. The street level corresponds to Level 3 of the dwelling and below this there was a windowless basement room below. Our clients were looking for a new kitchen with a direct relationship to their dining area as they were having to climb up a storey. Our solution was to…

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Bungalow extension, New Mills

Our client purchased this detached 2 bed bungalow which sits within a large sloping garden with a view to extending it to create a 4 bed family dwelling. The proposal involves a new side extension housing the main living spaces within a modern open and lofty space with a dramatic roof structure of oak beams…

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Cliffe Farm Barn Conversion

This scheme used the Class Q Permitted Development Planning rights to enable the conversion of a steel framed agricultural barn into two dwellings. The corrugated metal walls and roof of the original agricultural barn were removed and replaced with a fibre cement slate rainscreen, whilst new openings take advantage of the long views of the…

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Ullswater Yacht Club

Ullswater yacht club is not only a place where you can learn to sail but also has a thriving social calender including some large races which attract competitors and spectators in their thousands. The existing clubhouse suffered major flood damage and this together with the accommodation no longer being large enough prompted the club to…

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Woodcock Street, Hull

This scheme is the first of the Housing Market Renewal Initiative (HMRI) in West Hull and provides 106 new dwellings of mixed size and tenure in an area that had become baron and run down. Jeremy Poulter acted as project architect whilst working at PRP Architects Ltd. The site layout has it its heart an…

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Home Extension, Whaley Bridge

The clients for this side extension to an existing stone cottage, were looking for a large room for entertainment as well as an elevated balcony to look out from their enclosed garden to the wider landscape. Previously the site was occupied by a garage with a lean too conservatory which enclosed a 100 year old…

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Met(a) House

The Met(a)house is a competition entry for the 2011 Tomorrows Townhouse Design competition. It is a modern evolution of the townhouse creating flexible urban living whilst embracing the efficiency and sustainability gains offered by the modular construction. It is constructed from 5 pre-fabricated volumetric modules. The modules are delivered to site fully finished both internally…

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Plymouth Grove

Jeremy Poulter acted as project Architect whilst working at PRP Architects Ltd. An existing radburn estate to the west of Manchester City Centre which was a place with inherent social problems and high levels of crime. PRP’s masterplan involves the demolition of around 600 dwellings, the refurbishment of 660 dwellings and construction of over 700…

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Great Fen Vistor Centre

The Great Fen project is gradually reconverting arable farmland back to a fen landscape in an area just south of Peterborough. The project is to include the construction of a new visitor centre at the heart of the fen allowing visitors to learn about and experience this unique habitat. An open RIBA competition resulted in…

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