FacebookTwitterGoogleMailJeremy Poulter and Sara Darwin have launched a new business, phi Low Carbon with a focus on Passivhaus Design and Consultancy for projects over £1million. You can find out more about our new venture here
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FacebookTwitterGoogleMailJeremy Poulter and Sara Darwin have launched a new business, phi Low Carbon with a focus on Passivhaus Design and Consultancy for projects over £1million. You can find out more about our new venture here
Read MoreWhen external conditions are at their most extreme, a 100m² Passive House will only need a 1KW heater to maintain an internal temperature of 20 °C. Over the period of a year the same Passive House will use less than 1500KWh of heating energy. That’s a maximum of £195 in annual heating costs. So how…
Read MorePoulter Architects contributed a case study to this book which demonstrates how we use Revit to produce project information at every project stage. In the foreword, David Philip who is head of the UK BIM Task Group states. ” We are witnessing some early adopters of BIM punching well above their weight and leveling the…
Read MoreJeremy Poulter has contributed his experiences of using BIM in a small practice to the National BIM Report 2014 compiled by the NBS. Jeremy’s thoughts are to be found on page 24. Building Information Modelling (BIM) represents a new approach to the production and coordination of information in the design, construction and operation of buildings.…
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